Graves and memorials may be found either in the cemetery or in the churchyard. The overall plan shows the location of these two areas in relation to St. George's Church. To access the cemetery, enter through the white gates, which can be seen across the footpath on your left as you face the church, and walk along the path that is straight ahead of you (please note that the house through the gates and on the right is private property and you are kindly asked to respect the owner's privacy). The gates to the cemetery are on the right just beyond the church meeting room.
Please click on the following links to find the location of individual graves and memorials in St. George's cemetery and churchyard.
Overall plan of the cemetery and churchyard
A - Z listing of graves and memorials in cemetery and churchyard
Introduction & location of graves in cemetery with details of memorial inscriptions
Plan of memorials in cemetery - south
Plan of memorials in cemetery - north
Location of graves in the churchyard with details of memorial inscriptions