

Environmental awareness and eco-church in our benefice

Are you like me, concerned about climate change and our environment? Are you concerned for the future of our children and grandchildren if climate change continues. St. George’s Church Ruishton and St. Michaels Church Creech St. Michael have registered alongside many other churches and Christian organisations in our diocese and the nation for Eco church which is a tool to help us reduce our carbon footprint and improve our environmental sustainability - both as a church and as individuals within our community. We are planning several days through 2024 when we will particularly focus on this subject, both in our church worship and with events.

In addition, we would like to offer an eco-tip each month in our benefice magazine for you to consider.

Eco-tip for July

Plastic Free July – 1st to 31st July 2024


The campaign provides resources and ideas to help you (and millions of others around the world) reduce single-use plastic waste every day at home, work, school, and even at your local café .



St. Michael's churchyard register

The register of memorials in the St. Michael's churchyard has been updated.  The register is available in the church or by clicking here.

St. Michael's Book of Remembrance

St. Michael's Church has a book in which our departed loved ones are remembered. The names of those in the book are remembered in our prayers at services near to the dates of their passing.If anyone would like a loved one's name added to the book please fill in a forn available in the church or contact Liz via the Benefice office.

Bell-ringing at Ruishton

If anyone is interested in bell-ringing, the new bell tower captain at Ruishton would be pleased to hear from you! Please contact Mervyn via the Benefice office.

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