Contact Us

Rector: Revd. Lee Mullen

Address: The Rectory Creech St. Michael, TA3 5PP   

Telephone: 01823 444793



Churchwardens – for any matters relating to the church buildings, churchyards, PCC matters. 

St. Michael's, Creech St. Michael:  Maggie Savage      Tel. 01823 442523:

St. George's, Ruishton:                   Bridget Dickinson   

Holy Cross, Thornfalcon                  Ian Small                 Tel. 01823 443764

                                                         Bob Pamplin           Tel. 

Safeguarding Officer                         Liz Evans                Tel. 01823 444793


Administrator: Donna-marie Mullen for enquiries relating to baptisms, weddings, funerals, publication of banns of marriage, burials of ashes in our churchyards. 


Tel: 01823 444793 (if no reply please leave a message and Donna-Marie will get back to you as soon as possible)

Lay Pastoral Assistants (LPAs) – we have three LPAs who have all been trained and commissioned by the Bishop to offer pastoral care in our parishes. Please contact them if you, or anyone you know (with their permission), would like a pastoral visit at home or in hospital. We also have a member who is an authorised hospital chaplain at Musgrove Park and would be happy to visit anyone in hospital, if we know which ward they are on. If anyone would like to receive Holy Communion at home, because of infirmity or sickness, please contact one of the churchwardens or the administrator who will pass your request to the appropiate member of our worship team. .

Retired clergy: RevdStephen Tudgey

                          Revd. John Guttridge

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